Our writers follow the following editorial criteria in addition to our editorial integrity process:

  • The content of editorials must be accurate, straightforward, and factual.
  • Financial offers in editorial content are updated on a regular basis to maintain accuracy.
  • Editorial content comprising reviews of credit cards and other financial services is objectively evaluated based on the product’s actual features.
  • The editorial staff of Paydaydaze is separate from and unaffected by its sponsors.
  • The editorial staff at Paydaydaze is not paid directly by advertisers.
  • Staff assessments and performance appraisals do not take into account whether or not employees write positive or negative reviews for products or partners.
  • Our editorial integrity procedure assures that sponsor influence does not taint content.

Professional writers with significant backgrounds in personal finance and related issues make up the editorial staff of Paydaydaze.

Orville Bennett

Orville Bennett


Orville Bennett is the person who founded Paydaydaze which is an aggregater of bad credit loans and payday loans. Individuals who are denied credit from traditional lending institutions may utilize our services to secure loans in emergency situations. For instance, a car repair or boiler repair rent payment.